Comunicació de projectes culturals a Barcelona com el Teatre Arnau.

Communication for Teatre Arnau

Barcelona’s new Itinerant Teatre Arnau is a nomadic, community-managed theatre designed to help inject the city’s cultural ecosystem with life. Since 2018, l’Apòstrof has been in charge of the theatre’s communications office. In this process, we’ve learned things, we’ve shared things, we’ve met artists and neighbours, and we’ve discovered that culture is a great tool for social transformation.


Institut de Cultura de Barcelona , Teatre Arnau Itinerant 

Lloc web

2018 - 2019

L’Apòstrof’s communications, design and programming team came up with a motto and a graphic identity for the theatre. We’ve managed its relationship with the media and we’ve produced all its promotional materials.

Ideació de lema i identitat gràfica per al Teatre Arnau
Diari multilingüe per a les veïnes del Teatre Arnau de Barcelona
Procés creatiu per idear la comunicació del Teatre Arnau

In order to tell the theatre’s story with words and images, we’ve explored the neighbourhood, discovering hidden corners and unique materials that have helped us put together its graphic identity. During the creative process, we’ve had the privilege of working with the voices of those responsible for the rebirth of the theatre.

Some of the most notable materials from L’Arnau 2018 are a multilingual newspaper for neighbours, and the posters for this year’s two performances.

Disseny gràfic per al Teatre Arnau
Disseny gràfic per a projectes culturals a Barcelona
Comunicació per al Teatre Arnau de Barcelona