A new identity for Irídia
Irídia is an organization that fights for civil and political rights. It denounces institutional violence and promotes change in public politics. We’ve been lucky enough to help this organization transform its graphic identity and create a new website.

A green line is the guiding thread of Irídia’s new graphic identity. This line reminds us of the essence of the organization: Irídia intervenes, denounces, underlines, provides guidance—and always does so horizontally.

Besides creating the organization’s new identity in a participative process, we’ve put together all the materials for the ‘Fem Irídia Juntes’ (Making Irídia Together) campaign.

At l’Apòstrof, we’ve also worked on other communicative projects for Irídia. One of the most productive was the web documentary Frontera Sur, a tool for denouncing the violation of human rights on the Mediterranean’s forgotten shore.