Content writing for the blog ‘Emprenedoria Crítica’

Content writing is one of the key elements of l’Apòstrof. We write texts for social media, for communication campaigns, for digital newsletters, for websites and landing pages. We also write press releases, magazines, guides and dossiers, catalogs, annual reports, style manuals ... The list of contents and formats is almost endless. And of course, we also write blog articles.



Lloc web

2016 - 2020

With the slogan ‘Cooperate to transform’, Emprenedoria Crítica (‘Critical Entrepreneurship’ in english) is a blog fruit of the collaboration between the digital newspaper Crític and Labcoop, whose articles analyzed in depth issues around alternative economies and how these can be integrated in the activity of the diverse sectors and groups that make up society.

Labcoop is an initiative by ECOS cooperative group, which as second-tier cooperative brings together Calidoscoop, Etcèteres i l’Apòstrof. The purpose of Labcoop is to add up skills in order to drive projects collectively and from a multidisciplinary approach. That’s why we love be part of it and we like to say that we are also Labcoop.

At Emprenedoria Crítica we have talked, for example, about transformative consumption, about the relationship between culture and cooperativism, about agroecology and ecofeminism, about collective projects launched by people with functional diversity, about the work of the cooperative athenaeums, about self-managed media and about truly collaborative and horizontal businesses: the platform cooperativism, as an alternative to the so-called ‘unicorn model’.