Writing and design of annual reports for organizations
Writing the annual report may seem like a heavy task, but it is a great opportunity to communicate the organization's activity, achievements and impact, as well as being an exercise in transparency and accountability. At l’Apòstrof we have been in charge of writing and designing annual reports for all types of institutions, companies and cooperatives.
Ajuntament de Barcelona, Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya, FCTC, Sostre Cívic
2015 - 2020
Annual reports are a fundamental tool in the communication of the organization. They contain in-depth information about who we are and what we do and help us build trust and recognition. To achieve this, it is vital to prepare a document that can be understood by everyone, presenting the information correctly, so that is comfortable to read and with an attractive design. Let’s run away from boring reports!
For instance, for the Social and economic report of the Federation of Worker Cooperatives of Catalonia we chose a fresh format, with a nice combination of colors. We followed the same path to design the Annual report of Sostre Cívic -a housing cooperative in Barcelona- Memoria Anual de Sostre Cívic, in which we incorporate graphic elements that make the information easy to digest, while adapting to the entity’s visual identity.

Another innovative way of presenting the information in a report is to adapt it to a digital, interactive and reproducible format, as we did with the Report of district projects of BCN Acció Intercultural.
We have more examples such as the Report of the Department of International Relations of the Barcelona City Council, for which we deal with design and layout, as well as the coordination and writing of content based on the information provided by the municipal department.
There are other works in which our task has been based exclusively on the text. It is the case of the Report of the Official College of Psychology of Catalonia, in which we edit, correct and translate the texts to make them clearer and more understandable, applying easy language techniques.